Gathering – Weekend-long event where IPN Participants from across the country, and anyone else interested in IPN, meet together. discuss, explore, engage, enjoy each other and consider ethical, administrative and strategic areas of IPN. The continuing aim of Gatherings is to develop a culture where every voice can be heard. At Gatherings we work to find shared understandings, or ways of managing difference, in respect of IPN business, administration and other topics of interest to those attending. Held three times per year, they are usually in February, June and October, at alternating locations accross the country.


Participant – Individual who pays the annual voluntary contribution to IPN and intends to work within the Network’s ethos. This can either be within a Group, looking for a Group, or without access to a Group.


Member – IPN is based on a Network of groups and members are therefore groups rather than individuals.


Client – This is the term used to describe anyone receiving a professional service from an IPN Participant. Whilst they will usually be receiving emotional, physical, social or psychiatric support or therapy, the service may also be educational, supervisory or focussing on personal development.


Standing By – IPN participants are expected to explore personal and professional issues with, and invite challenge from, their group or at Gatherings or both, to ensure adequate and appropriate standards and boundaries are being maintained. If for any reason an individual’s practice or a group’s process is not experienced by peers as competent and fit for the purpose claimed, an individual’s participation in the group or a group’s participation in the network could cease to be possible.


Status of Groups –
Forming Groups consist of a minimum of four Participants who are developing their ethical statement and working towards links with two other groups. Member Groups have published their ethical statement in Netcom and placed it on the IPN website. They have active links with two other groups.


Civic accountability – Due care towards clients and society to provide the best practice and be accountable ethically and morally.


Practitioner – One who practices in their chosen field. This can be in either a paid or voluntary capacity.


Peer – All colleagues within IPN are held to have equal standing. Within IPN a peer is expected to be open to receiving and giving professional and personal challenge.


Hierarchy – Most organisations are led by a group of individuals charged with taking responsibility on behalf of others. IPN aims to avoid hierarchies and the bureaucracy that frequently results from them. Participants take responsibility for their level of participation.

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